How to Use a Period App with the Fertility Awareness Method
The Agenda. Blog

Did you know there are multiple ways to track your cycle? Period tracking can feel like a loaded phrase after Roe V. Wade came down. It’s important to remember that you have various options and can choose more than one way; many tracking methods are even better when combined with one another. Not sure? Let’s explore three benefits of using our period app with the Fertility Awareness Method.

What is FAM (Fertility Awareness Method?) 

According to the National Health System, FAM “is a method of contraception where a woman monitors and records different fertility signals during her menstrual cycle to work out when she’s likely to get pregnant.” One tool for using the Fertility Awareness method is using the Creighton method to check your cervical mucus. Others are writing down your basal body temperature, using ovulation strips, or tracking your menstruation. 

Keep All Your cycle information in One Place.

Not paying attention to your cycle can throw you off track. Still, suppose you are tracking for fertility. In that case, you may track different signs and symptoms around your ovulation versus your period; especially if you are trying to avoid or get pregnant. When you use an app like The Agenda your information is all in one place. Instead of having a journal with your ovulation, and a note on your phone for your period, you’ll quickly find everything you need in one place. 

Your Period is Your 5th Vital Sign.

Your period can tell you more than when you bleed. According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, your cycle is your 5th vital sign and can tell you a lot about your stress, body, hormones, and what is happening inside you. If you ignore your period to focus on your ovulation, you are missing information that can help you get pregnant and manage your energy. Alissa Vitti’s In The Flo is a fantastic resource if you are interested in learning more about understanding your menstruation as a form of information.

Our Period App has a Symptom Tracker.

Our app lets you enter how you feel mentally, physically, and emotionally. When you track not only your ovulation but your symptoms, you can see the larger picture of any recurring symptoms. It’s easy to think they only come around every so often, only to find out they are every 28 or so days. Discovering your emotions and energy flow can also relieve stress by understanding you have more energy at the beginning of your Follicular phase than you will in your Luteal phase right before your period. 

Knowing your symptoms or becoming aware of more significant trends can save you from a later, more extensive problem. This information on hand and on your phone is also fantastic, especially when coming to a doctor with questions.

Our Agenda App Helps you Sync Your Life to Your Period.

Our app isn’t just for your period; it’s more than that. It’s for helping you understand and weave your life around the flow of your own body. Your flow includes your ovulation and menstruation, alongside Luteal and Follicular. The tools in our app give you encouragement, ideas, and ways to take advantage of how your body works. FAM is a fantastic method, but you are missing out if you focus more on tracking and less on living life. Using our period App with the Fertility Awareness Method helps you track all your symptoms, including ovulation so you can live an aligned life.