Wondering what your Luteal phase feels like? This is the phase right before your period, and if you don’t understand your phases it can knock you on your back when your emotions are high. At The Agenda, we know the power of syncing your life with your cycle. Think of your work and your life as a Venn Diagram; both impact your mood, time, energy, and activities when you overlap it with your period so that you can harness your energy in a new way.
Do you ever feel like you have a lot of energy but are exhausted simultaneously? Then a few days later, you get your period; and you realize why you were feeling extra emotional.
We hear you.
The Agenda app understands what your body needs, what’s going on, and how you can utilize your flow, not in a boss-babe-your-life-and-squeeze-out-every-inch-of-productivity kind of way but a follow-the-breadcrumbs-and-progress-not-perfection type of way.
Studies show we get more work done when we are in a state of joy and contentment:
- Life is more manageable.
- Choices are more straightforward.
- We show up in more alignment and integrity.
It’s an easy link to see that when we go with our natural rhythm, it can influence our choices and life.
So, this is part three of a new blog series called “Living in the flow of your cycle.” We’ll go through each of the four stages and touch on working with that stage through an everyday life lens. For that stage, we will also have a different blog post through a work lens. Remember the Venn Diagram? We’re here to give you tools you’ll use to help you show up in the ways you want.
What your Luteal Phase is:
For this explanation, I’m sharing a snippet from Red Thread: Weaving an Embodied Life of Joy by Aj Smit. She calls the Luteal phase the Waning Moon phase. As the moon cycle also has four phases at 28 days it’s a good reflection of the average person’s cycle.
The 5-8 days of Waning Moon stage brings loud pronouncements of, “I want the truth and nothing but the truth!” In this cyclical shift of hormones, you may have fierce mood swings. You feel feisty, ready for a nap or a fight, all while frantically searching for an emergency chocolate bar, and that’s just the first thirty minutes of your day before breakfast.
Progesterone rises like the tide, and Estrogen goes down like the Titanic, paving the way for the archetypes of The Enchantress and Wild Woman. This is my favorite stage because I can put this energy towards my creative endeavors from my Full Moon stage.
You may, like me, have more energy at this stage, but if you do not begin to slow down, you will regret it soon. Your body is transitioning to prepare to bleed, so use the energy well—don’t let it use you. Were you thinking of leaving your energy unregulated? In this 24/7, 365 world we live in, if you keep going at the pace you were earlier in the cycle, you will be crying into a box of brownies at three a.m. with a glass (or bottle) of wine, wondering why this happens every few months because YOU’VE BEEN SO GOOD AND ON TOP OF IT LATELY.
Seem familiar?
Not at all?
I thought so.
Words of wisdom for this phase, lovely:
When you share truth or opinions during the Waning Moon stage, they can become bitter, bitey, and unnecessary if not well minded. It’s important to ask yourself if the words you are saying are true, kind, or necessary. Some things need to be given to God, the journal or screamed into a fluffy pillow. Thoughts and impulses rising to the surface are your mind’s way of letting you know about crossed boundaries or unresolved issues. They’re critical red flags but should be addressed with care in this stage.
In Wild Power, they share, ‘You’re being shown exactly what needs your attention, what needs to change, and what isn’t working. You get feedback on your overall health and stress levels, how well you’re caring for yourself, your relationships, creative projects, spiritual life, and more. Your task is to stay present and receive the feedback with as much self-kindness as you can muster.”‘
Don’t shove your emotions into a knapsack the size of a makeup bag; grab your journal, and write them down. Freewriting is a great way to get ahead of resentment, burnout, and anger before they take over your life. When your gut tells you something is wrong, trust it. Trust yourself enough to tune in and make shifts when you think something is off.
Your creative juices may be flowing during this time! Get out your markers, and make something. Go ahead and put your energy towards something productive. Heavy workouts with weights help me channel my energy and frustration when they float to the surface during this time. A good exercise can help direct your frenetic energy while also making you feel accomplished.
Tips for tending yourself
Even small things count during this time, as you are about to start bleeding. Being aware you are in this stage can give you grace when your emotions rise to remember that your feelings don’t control you. Being mindful can help you take a step back and realize you aren’t angry at your partner for X, or you are frustrated with yourself for forgetting a deadline and feeling dumb. The people around us want to be supportive. Ask for what you need, and don’t guilt yourself for the asking; it helps others know what would help you the most.
Things to do
*Hard workouts
*Creative projects
*Attend something low stimulation like a sound bath
*Take care of your plants
*Simple tasks on your to-do list
Questions to ask yourself during your Luteal Phase
*Where am I feeling agitated, and how can I navigate those feelings?
*What do I need to finish up before my period?
*What are my favorite ways to expend excess energy?
*Do I really want to do ____ now, or wait for after my period?
Curious about what stage you are in? Download the Agenda App to track your cycle and sync your life and work to your body’s flow! Find it on Apple HERE, or Google Play HERE.