Ovulation is the time of the month when your body is ready to create. An egg drops from one of your ovaries, and Estrogen runs through your body like it’s in a marathon. This occurs for about three to five days, and knowing it’s happening can be game-changing for the work you do in your life. At The Agenda, when we first put together the period planner, we realized the power syncing your cycle with your business could have. We’ve written blogs about syncing your life with your Ovulation stage here and on other phases here, but today we’re going to dive into what works look like when you are in the Ovulation phase of your period.
The Agenda app helps track your period and symptoms, and with that, you can get a clear picture of where you are in your cycle so you can plan your work around it. Unfortunately, there are no days granted off for when you are bleeding across the board (yet!) in most jobs. Still, if you set your schedule, you can do certain things during your Ovulation stage that will be easier than doing it during your period or the week before.
What the Ovulation phase of your period is like.
For many people, ovulation comes in the middle part of your cycle; around days 12-day 17, as you start counting your cycle days on the 1st day of your period. You’ll have more energy, feel more nurturing, and have the capacity for more than you may usually have at other times of the month. This is creative energy you can tap into for work. Creating doesn’t have to be JUST making a baby. Use this to put towards your endeavors for your benefit. Your cycle length can vary depending on sleep, stress, food, alcohol, medication, and the like. Checking your cervical fluid will help determine whether you ovulate on day ten or seventeen.
Tips for organizing your work while you ovulate
Do you need to do reach outs in your business or cold call clients or organizations? This is a fantastic time for doing it. Use this time to expand your edges by taking a class, doing deep emotional work, coaching with your goals and dreams, or pitch your dream project. Move the needle because things will feel important, but if they go off-script, you’ll be able to navigate with more fluidity than you usually have, especially in the latter half of your cycle.
Things to do
*Outward-focused work
*Cold Calls
*Recieve coaching, take a class, learn a new skill
*Have important conversations
*Make strides on any work projects. It’s go time!
Questions to ask yourself
*What would move the needle the most this week? (Then do that).
*What conversations do I need to have?
*Who could benefit from my work I could reach out to?
*What am I longing to create this week?