The Cyclical Business Collective
The Agenda. Blog

What is the Cyclical Business Collective? It’s a haven for you to be your full self AND talk about your business simultaneously. Have you ever attended a business event and were surrounded by men in suits and felt like the underdog? Did you know you’ve got the wit and grit to figure it out but felt discounted? Sometimes even when women talk about business, there can be a feeling of scarcity that keeps others out, but the tides are shifting, and we are a part of that conversation. We’ve all had the experience of wanting to be supported and not receiving that support, but we’re doing things differently.

The Cyclical Business Collective is here to change all that by gathering together business owners who cycle or own a business around the menstrual cycle, whether that’s a product, coaching, a service or volunteer work.

Many of us have similar goals of reducing period poverty, the Pink Tax, and helping women and all people full bodily autonomy. We can pursue our dreams bolder together and significantly impact more if we collaborate.

Each week we’ll have a guest speaker sharing about their business and some tools they used to grow, and we’ll have another cycling business owner share about their business and pitch it to get feedback, collaboration, ideas, and more!

Sign up now and grab your spot in our FREE weekly virtual networking group where you’ll get to: 

  • chat and network
  • apply to hone your pitch
  • learn from content experts
  • apply to present on topics you’re fired up about

This is for people in the cyclical health space and anyone running their company from their cyclical wisdom.

Come for the networking, stay for the magic!

Come join us this Friday!

Looking forward to meeting you, and hearing all about what you have to offer!