by The Agenda. Blog February 16, 2023

How to Use a Period App When Tracking Your Period on Paper

You may be wondering what the purpose of using a period app is if you are already tracking on paper or why you would need to use a paper calendar if you are using an app on your phone. Still, the...

by The Agenda. Blog February 12, 2023

How to work when you are on your period

Have you ever been zipping through work and feeling on top of it when you hit a slump and feel off your game? Do you ever wonder when you get your period a few days later and are slogging through...

by The Agenda. Blog February 4, 2023

Become a Cycle Star Affiliate with The Agenda.

Do you love The Agenda. App? Do you find yourself grateful for the information it gives you, the ability to follow along with your cycle, and how you can align your life to flow with it? Do you...

by The Agenda. Blog January 29, 2023

How to work during the Luteal Phase of your Cycle

Do you ever feel like you have a lot of energy but are exhausted simultaneously? Then a few days later, you get your period; and you realize why you were feeling extra emotional.  That time is...

by The Agenda. Blog January 22, 2023

Working with the Ovulation phase of your period

Ovulation is the time of the month when your body is ready to create. An egg drops from one of your ovaries, and Estrogen runs through your body like it’s in a marathon. This occurs for...

by The Agenda. Blog January 15, 2023

How to Work With Your Follicular stage

There is magic when you know what your body’s natural rhythm is. At The Agenda, when we first put together the planner, we realized the power syncing your cycle with your business could...

by The Agenda. Blog January 8, 2023

What does it mean if you have clumps in your period?

Did you know your period is one of the main signs of your health? You can tell if your body is stressed or if your hormones have shifted by how your period shows up. Blood color, thickness, flow,...

by The Agenda. Blog January 1, 2023

5 Reasons to Download our Period App

Setting goals for 2023 is a tradition many follow, from working out more, spending quality time with family, to getting a new job. Something else that could be on your radar of goals is to start...