Have you ever gotten your period and noticed how the color changes throughout it? Do you wonder what the color of period blood means? Although it can feel worrying, having different shades of blood is entirely normal and even vary cycle to cycle. Let’s explore the cause of different colors.
What is the white fluid during ovulation?
This isn’t blood, but your cervical fluid. You’ll notice this most often during the ovulation stage of your cycle. It can feel sticky or like an egg white texture, which is normal. During your ovulation phase, you may notice some cramping that accompanies this as well, and the texture may feel different than when you are ‘wet.’ If it turns yellow or green, that is a sign that you may have an infection and need to see a doctor.
Can your period blood be grey?
Grey can look like cervical fluid, so keep an eye throughout the day if this is off-white or a noticeable or deep grey. Grey blood can be a sign of pregnancy complications or a miscarriage.
What does pink color of period blood mean?
Pink can be a sign of an infection, low estrogen levels, or if it comes in the middle of your cycle that you are pregnant and an embryo has started to grow in your uterine lining. Pink can also mean that your cervical fluid, often a white/ or off-white color, has mixed with blood. So no need to rush to the doctor if it just shows up for a day or two.
What Orange blood on your period can be.
Although red can take on a few varying shades during your period, bright orange isn’t one of them. Orange can be a flag that an infection or something is happening for you to get checked out.
Is bright red period blood normal?
Ads may pretend that the color of blood is light blue (but we all know that’s not true). Fire Engine Red is what you’ll see most often during your period and indicates fresh blood and a good flow.
Why do I have dark brown and burgundy period blood?
Darker blood usually shows up at either end of your menstrual stage as the blood isn’t flowing as fast as your regular flow. You may notice spotting that looks dark red or brown, and that’s usually what’s happening. Dark brown may be predominately what you see on the last day or two of your period, where you think you’re done…but not yet.
Is period blood ever black?
Similar to dark-colored blood, it can be blood that has stagnated in your uterus and has clumped with other blood, leading to a clot or clump, or be on its own. If it feels like it’s not at the tail end of your period and bleeding like your regular flow, it can indicate something is wrong, and you may have an infection or other health issue.
Period blood can vary from month to month and throughout your menstrual phase. The most important thing to know is that only you know your body as intimately as you do, and so by tracking and being aware of what a normal flow looks like for you, you can see when things are off and get help when you need it by going to your healthcare provider.
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