How IUDs Influence Your Period
The Agenda. Blog

In recent years, intrauterine devices (IUDs) have become a popular choice for birth control due to their effectiveness, long-term nature, and convenience. If you are thinking of using them as your birth control method, you’re not alone in considering this smart and reliable option. But have you ever thought how IUDs influence your period?

Here we look at important things you need to know about IUDs and their impact on your periods,  ensuring you’re well-prepared for the potential changes that lie ahead. Whether you’re a first-timer curious about the ins and outs of IUDs or a seasoned contraceptive connoisseur exploring new possibilities, let’s dive into the fascinating world of IUDs and their impact on your period.

Getting Friendly with IUDs

Alright, let’s talk IUDs – those nifty little devices that keep the baby train at bay. There are two types: the hormonal crew and the copper squad. Hormonal IUDs, like Mirena and friends, come with a tiny dose of progestin to keep you pregnancy-free. Copper IUDs, like ParaGard, skip the hormones and use copper power instead.

Hormonal Harmony or Copper Crunch

Ready to meet your new period buddies? Depending on the IUD you choose, your period could go on a little adventure. Hormonal IUDs often lead to lighter and shorter periods. Some lucky folks even bid their monthly guest adieu for a while. But if you’re on Team Copper, brace yourself for potentially heavier and crampier periods. Yep, the copper clan can amp up your flow.

The Grand Adjustment

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your body might need some time to warm up to your IUD. During the adjustment period (usually a few months), you might spot irregular bleeding, cramps, or mood swings. Don’t fret – your body’s just getting acquainted with its new pal.

Steady as She Flows

After the initial adjustment period, things usually even out. For most, the rollercoaster ride settles down, and your period might find its new groove. Light spotting and occasional irregularities might stick around, but hey, no two bodies are the same, right?

When to Ring the Alarm

Look, we get it. Sometimes things go a little haywire, and you might wonder if it’s IUD-related or just everyday life being quirky. If you’re experiencing extreme pain, heavy bleeding, or anything that sends your gut into panic mode, don’t hesitate to chat with a healthcare pro. They’re the superheroes of uterine wisdom!

Bottom Line

Remember, this is your journey, and you’re the captain. IUDs might bring changes to your period party, but they’re all part of your unique story. Using the Agenda App, either on the Apple or Google Play keep track of your periods and sync your cycle with your work and daily life tasks. 

With the Agenda, you can listen to your body, and know that someone got your back, no matter where the IUD adventure takes you. Here’s to embracing change and riding the waves of womanhood like the rockstar you are!

Guest Author: Florence Esther

Florence Esther is a content writer who started as a freelance writer working with content mills. She now works directly with businesses, helping them thrive online through content and digital marketing. Find her LinkedIn Profile here.